Return and Refund Policies

The return and refund policy lasts 30 days from the purchase of the product in question. If more than 30 days have passed since the purchase, unfortunately we can not offer a refund or refund.

In order to be eligible for a return, you need to comply with the process established in the Return and Refund Policies:

  • You must have gone through our customer service (contact form) presenting your case and providing all the necessary information to our team to provide support and help to solve any problem or incident you may have had. In the event that the technical support team could not solved or find a possible solution, it will proceed to the refund of your money.
  • To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase, showing the order number or reference, date of purchase and you as the person who made the purchase.


Once the return is accepted by Rolige, we proceed to refund it, which we will notify in the same conversation ticket thread that has been maintained for the return. Your refund will be processed and paid automatically to your credit or debit card, PayPal or original payment method. This process may take a few days depending on the payment processor.

Contact Information

Any questions about the Return and Refund Policies should be sent to the email [email protected] or through our contact form.